Our location on the High Street gives us a great opportunity to be part of the wider Crowthorne community. We aim not only to be in the physical heart of the village, but to make CBC 'THE' heart of the village.
Crowthorne Repair Café
Saturday February 25th saw the launch of the first Repair Café in Crowthorne, organised by CROW (Crowthorne Reduce our Waste). We are excited to be hosting it at CBC on the last Saturday every month from 10:30 am to 12:30pm.
Visit the CROW website to find out how it works and what can be repaired.
The Ark pre-school operates from the Hub from Monday to Friday in school term time.
Zone6 - after school club for Year 6 pupils on Mondays in term time from 3:15 to 5pm
Zone78 - drop-in club for Years 7&8 pupils on Fridays in term time from 7 to 8:30pm
Crowthorne Good Neighbours desk operates from our church foyer on weekday mornings to organise transport (e.g. for hospital appointments, etc.) for those who need it. Telephone 01344 761001
Citizens Advice Bureau operates from our building on the 3rd Wednesday each month between 10am and 12 noon. Contact them on 0808 278 7914
Alcoholics Anonymous - An AA group meets on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30pm in the Hub. It is a relaxed and informal meeting, starting from 7pm with coffee, tea and chat. All are welcome. Just turn up – no pre-booking required.
Breakaway Brass - is a small, friendly and enthusiastic group of brass players that meets every Tuesday evening in the Hub from 8 to10pm.
We support Crowthorne foodbank. Vouchers are available - email us.
Helping the Environment
We collect used postage stamps and standard milk bottle tops for charities. (Please note that we cannot accept other types of bottle tops.) The stamps are in aid of the Bible Society and the milk bottle tops currently go to a still birth charity called Isabelle's Trust. Collection boxes are in the Hub foyer.
Churches Together in Crowthorne (CTC)
Churches Together in Crowthorne involves the Baptist Church, Methodist Church, St. Sebastian's (Anglican), St. John's Parish Church (Anglican), St. James Finchampstead (Anglican), Church of the Holy Ghost (RC) and the Wokingham Vineyard Church.
Coffee shops are held at the Methodist church on Tuesday mornings and here at CBC in The Heart on Thursday mornings. Money raised from these is given to various charities.