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Eco Church

Welcome to the CBC Eco-Church page!

As a group, The Eco-Church Team believes that God calls every one of us, made in his image, to care for his creation (Genesis 1 : 26)

God has given us a good and beautiful creation, but humans have not treated our natural environment in a way that reflects this. Furthermore, the poorest in our world are going to suffer the worst impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. As Christians, we are called to care for the most vulnerable in our society (Matthew 25:40). Therefore, we advocate making small differences as individuals, a church and a wider community to improve our environmental impact and further our appreciation of God’s creation.

Here are some practical ways in which we are doing this:


  • Church events advocating creation care, including speaker events and bi-monthly walks.

  • Church services based around the theme of creation care, including services advocating the work of NGOs such as Tearfund and A Rocha.

  • Working towards using Fairtrade products.

  • Bee-friendly planters around our building.

  • Auditing our buildings to make energy saving choices.

  • Working towards using environmentally friendly cleaning products.

  • Improving our recycling practices.

Bronze Eco Church Award

We are delighted that, by taking all these steps, we were awarded the Bronze Award from A Rocha UK in March 2023.  Now we are working towards a Silver Award.

Click on the tree icon to see more details.

Continue scrolling down for information on the latest news and events from the Eco-Church team.

Eco Church News​​

​​Lunch and Walk

The Eco Team organises a Bring & Share lunch followed by an optional walk after the Sunday service once every two months.  Everyone is invited to bring something to share for lunch, then there is an option to go for a walk in the local area and enjoy God's creation for those who would like to do this.  The photos show a lunch and walk at Wildmoor Heath.


In January 2024 the team cooked a hot lunch, including home made pizzas, for 60+ people following the service!  No walk - it was too cold, wet and windy because of Storm Isha!​

Eco Weekend 10-11th February 2024


CBC’s Eco Team organised a weekend of special events to help us develop our environmental awareness and commitment. It was exciting to have Dave Gregory of Baptist Union Environment Network (BUEN) with us for the weekend.



  • Sunday 11th February 10:30am: Sunday service with preacher Dave Gregory on "Whole Earth Discipleship"


  • Sunday 11th February 3pm: Shine does Science with Dr Dave and the Shine Team

Exhibition set up in the Hub

Individual panels. Click on each image for more information.


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