2024 Services
Advent and Christmas
For the 4 Sundays of Advent leading up to Christmas we used a series called "Down To Earth", produced by LICC (The London Institute for Contemporary Christianity)
Click the "Down to Earth" logo to find out more.
Christingles at CBC
We have been holding a Christingle service at CBC since 1995, but the tradition is far older. Like many of our Christmas customs, the Christingle originated in Germany. The first Christingle service was in 1747 at the Moravian church in the village of Marienborn in Saxony. Moravian missionaries carried the tradition with them to many different parts of the world and the original simple candle has been adapted and changed over the years. In 1968 it was introduced to the Church of England Children's Society.
Click HERE to find more information on the history of the Christingle and other Moravian customs.
October & November - Parables
For 6 Sundays leading up to Advent we looked at some parables through the eyes of Luke, as recorded in his Gospel
September & October - Serve
For 6 Sundays we followed a series of studies using the book "Serve" by Debra Green. This links to the Church Vision Day in June which was based on the book "Restore, Renew, Rebuild" by Cris Rogers, looking at the life of Nehemiah and the mission of Jesus.
August - Jesus and Us
For 4 Sundays in August we followed a short series entitled "Jesus and Us"
April to July - Daniel : At home in Babylon
For 10 Sundays we looked at the first half of the book of Daniel. As Daniel and his friends learned to stay faithful to God when they were living far away from home, we can learn how to live courageously and confidently for Jesus in our own society. The book we used to help us through the series was "Daniel for You" by David Helm, published by the Good Book Company.
Other Sundays in this period had visiting preachers / organisations and our church "Vision Day" on the theme "Renew, Restore, Rebuild" in June.
January to Easter - Romans
For 10 Sundays we followed the Bible Society's Romans Course. Our Sunday sermons and our mid-week House Groups used the prepared material. (The final session was after Easter.) We explored perhaps the most influential book in the Bible and went on a deeper journey to discover our place in God's story.
Click on the picture to find out more about the course from the Bible Society website.
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