Events 2021
Gift from SCBA
CBC was the "Church of the Year" for the Southern Counties Baptist Association in 2020, when we undertook our building project. Because of the Covid pandemic, this was extended to 2021 as well. We were delighted recently to receive the sum of £4,264 from the other Baptist Churches in SCBA towards our New Heart project. Wonderful news! Many thanks to SCBA.​

Crowthorne Late Night Shopping 3rd December
It was wonderful to be part of this popular annual event on the High Street and to be able to welcome lots of people into our new buildings. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, with our beautiful (real) Christmas tree and Breakaway Brass playing carols in the Heart. Hot drinks, cakes and craft activities in the Hub were very much appreciated too.

Induction Service for Kevin - Saturday 13th November
When Rev. Kevin Mills arrived in Crowthorne and started duties as our new Minister in December 2021, we were unable to hold a formal induction service for him because of the Covid-19 restrictions. It was wonderful to hold this on Saturday 13th November. The church was full with CBC members, Kevin and Wendy's family and friends and visitors from near and far.
Rev. Joth Hunt (Regional Minister) presided at the induction and the speaker was Rev. Colin Baker from Caversham Baptist Church. Kevin, Wendy, Colin and Joth are pictured here with our own Sarah Webb, who led the service.
Photo courtesy of Phil Creighton, editor of Wokingham Today, and used with permission.

Watch the recorded service here
Operation Christmas Child 2021- shoebox packing!
We have been collecting different items each month throughout the year and we held a shoebox packing session on Wednesday 27th October. 70 boxes in total from CBC will soon be on their way to children around the world. There was a "send off" for them during our morning worship on Sunday 7th Novermber. Our boxes were joined by others from Crowthorne Methodist Church in the arrangement shown in the photo.

Dedication of our new building - September 12th
Our service on Sunday September 12th was a wonderful occasion when we dedicated our new building to God. The church was full with current and past members and friends and special guests. Our guest speaker was Rev. Lynn Green, the General Secretary of the Baptist Union. We had a special feature in Wokingham Today. The photos here are used with kind permission from the Editor, Phil Creighton.

CBC Open House - Saturday 22nd May
We were delighted to welcome lots of visitors from the local community to come in and have a look round our new buildings.

CBC in the News!
Wokingham Today featured CBC and our new buildings in April. Read the article here.