Events 2020
Welcome Service for Kevin & Wendy Mills
The formal Induction Service for Kevin will have to wait until we are able to have larger gatherings and when we can meet together in our brand new buildings. However, at 2pm on Saturday 19th December we held a live service to welcome Kevin and Wendy into our church at St. John the Baptist the Parish Church. The service was recorded for those unable to attend in person - watch here.
Stars on Wildmoor Heath
On Saturday 12th December 2020, our Jesus & Chocolate young people's group and some CBC grown ups went into Wildmoor Heath woods and hung up 200 stars, which we hope and pray will bless local people. The stars were there for people to take home and put on their Christmas tree or use as a decoration.
They were obviously popular, as on 1st January 2021 only 18 of them were left!
Boosts for New Heart Funding!
Two grant applications towards our building project have been successful so far.
The first was a cheque for £16,500 from the All Churches Trust which arrived at the end of June.
The second was from Laing Family Trusts who sent a cheque for £10,000 at the beginning of October.
We are very grateful to both of these organisations for their generous gifts - amazing answers to prayer.
Helping Hands at Wildmoor Heath School
Three members of our "Open the Book" team went to Wildmoor Heath school in September 2020 to clear up the weeds and debris at the entrance. The Bible Society had suggested that the team kept up contact with the school and tried to bless them in some way. Bill, Maggie and Janet were also able to chat with passers by and the roofers who were working at the school.
The transformation can be seen in the photos below.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18th to 25th 2020
Crowthorne Methodist Church hosted the annual joint service for Churches Together in Crowthorne and Sandhurst Churches on Sunday 19th January.
CBC musicians played for the songs/hymns.