Request a Christingle
We have held a Christingle service at CBC every Christmas Eve since 1995, but this year we will not be able to gather in our building as usual. Instead we will have a pre-recorded service which people can join in at home on Christmas Eve.
Normally we welcome many visitors into our Church for this service and we don't want anyone to miss out on the special celebration of the birth of Jesus. To help you join in at home, we have put together a "Christingle Pack" which consists of a prepared candle with instructions on how to make your own Christingle using your own orange and sweets. Also included is a Bible Society booklet for children, designed to go with the animation in our service, plus some other information.

Christingle packs will be given out to local residents on a first come, first served basis (limited to 200) and we would aim to deliver these to you personally in time for Christmas Eve.
Please complete the form below to request a pack.
Data protection
Your details will not be shared with anyone else. We need your address so that we can deliver your pack to you and your email address so that we can let you have the link to our recorded Christingle Service.